Read, enjoy and RESPOND. One of the things I can use in my life is accountability. You can help keep me honest, keep me thinking, keep me growing toward the person God intends me to be.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

God in the Details

Sometimes you don't realize that God has been so involved until after the fact. Here's the story...
Last Thursday, I left a long list of things I needed/wanted to get finished on Friday before my kids started on Monday...I'm talking a LONG list. This is that list that gets made when there is no more time to do all the things you have been mulling around in your mind all summer waiting for the bad ideas to fall out of your mind so you would only have to deal with the really good ideas that have stayed with you all summer. Am I the only one who does this?
Anyway, as soon as I get to work on Friday I find out that my friend, Roseann has been evicted from her classroom and has to relocate UP a hill and be ready for her kids on Monday. I'm sure my principal was happy it wasn't me he had to give this news to. That is certainly not "spreading the joy" like he likes to say.
Anyway, I run home and change clothes and bring a shirt for Roseann and we work hard all day...sorting, packing, moving UP a hill on Friday! By the end of the day we were nowhere near ready. She still had a home visit to do Friday afternoon. We worked again for about 8 hours on Saturday and her little nest looks really good and ready for kids in the morning. However, nothing was done on my list. Usually that would have me in a panic, BUT, God is and has been in the details...
#1 I was available to help on Friday even though we had kept that day open originally for extra parent/home visits. My "extra" visits ended up happening on Wednesday without any planning on my part.
#2 I was able to relax about my lack of preparedness for Monday because for the first time since ever, we are only having half of our children come and then the other half on Tuesday. Heck you can let 12 kids entertain themselves if you need to and things shouldn't get too out of hand. I'm not planning too, but the stress level is easily halved when the case load is halved.
#3 The move is a good thing for Roseann, into a little nicer facility with a lot less stuff and now we are nearly neighbors.
So, maybe it doesn't seem like much to you, but for me, I see God's hands all over this...and a big smile on His face now that it is done. I can see Him sitting up there (well, this part is a little fuzzy since I can't really picture Him and I don't really know where there is...) smiling and saying, "I love it when a plan comes together."
Where have you seen God in your life lately?

Saturday, August 29, 2009


All summer it was mostly just me and my little husband in our little world building and mowing and enjoying our life together. It was a most peaceful season. A blessing. A healing. A beginning.
Now it is back to work time and I am overwhelmed by the pain and sadness in so many of the lives that I will be touching or touched by daily. There are mothers with cancer, husbands who are sick, elderly family members who are fading, students with sick grandparents, students with dicey living situations...and the usual school "stuff"...way past challenging classes, facilities that are crumbling, classroom evictions the day before students are to begin.
All I can do is cry out, "O, my God, your sheep need a shepherd. Come quickly."
I am blessed beyond belief. I have much reason to shine. I am looking for every opportunity to be His hands, His feet, His arms and His smile in my little corner of the world. My season of peace-fullness was purposeful, so that I am more able to be present to folks around me, to share my peace (or as my principal says...share the joy!). God knows what He is doing...well, I guess that isn't exactly a newsflash but it is always exciting to see it and realize it in your very own little life.
Count your blessings and share your light!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quiet Evening

Here I sit with my oldest cat, Sweet Pea, who is about 18, asleep on the printer beside me. My dog, Grace, on the floor under my feet. My dog, Mercy, asleep in front of the fan, and the other two cats, Becan and Skippy Jo Lohr in the bedroom waiting for me. My little husband is reading.
So, off to make lunch and iron clothes for tomorrow and then into bed for some reading myself. Just started a new book, Bella, and it seems good so far. It just doesn't get much better than this. How could it? Count your blessings!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Possibility and Potential

I wandered the halls at school late this afternoon just because I love to see all the rooms ready for the morning. It is a wonderful picture of possibility.
I can't decide who is probably more nervous, the students or the teachers.
How many times do you get this chance so full of potential?
It reminds me of God's amazing grace. He sees in each of us that kind of possibility and potential and He doesn't even wait for the "beginning of the year" to realize it and wonder at it all. Each blink is that kind of beginning for Him and for us through Him.
Here's hoping that we can remember the grace and mercy - hmmm, those would make great dog names :>) - that God shows us each day. Here's hoping that we can see the possibilities and potential in each of our students and all we come into contact with...
Can we do it? Let your little light shine!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Reality Check

Well, I'm not sure how this is going to work now that I am back at work. I lived pretty much in my sweet little bubble all summer with my husband and my furry family. We had hard work, good food and peace.
Two days in to work and my light is flickering.
Had a little picnic planned for lunch time at Shangri La Ti Da today and half the people couldn't come, Stevie came stressed, I forgot things to take. I was sad.
But the stable is still very cute and I am very proud of my little husband and myself.
It was a bit of a roller coaster ride today. There are people in pain, unhappy people, overwhelmed people, a possible flu pandemic...and I'm pretty sure I didn't let my little light shine brightly enough to make a difference yet.
Will it be possible? Can I be in the world without being overcome by the world?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Missed an Answer

First official day back at work. It is always good to get all of us together and see all of the good folk who are Preston County Schools. We are an amazing bunch and should not let others tell us otherwise!
In the afternoon session we did a personality/leadership type activity with all the kindergarten teachers and aides. We were to decide if we were a North, South, East, West. Here are some of the highlights of each direction:
· Assertive, active, decisive
· Quick to act or make decisions; expresses urgency for others to take action
· Perseveres, not stopped by hearing “No,”
· Likes variety, novelty, new projects
· Comfortable being "in front"

· Value-driven regarding aspects of professional life
· Uses professional relationships to accomplish tasks

· Feeling-based thoughts and actions; trusts own emotions and intuition

· Values words like “right” and “fair”

· Visionary who sees the big picture
· Generative and creative thinker, able to think outside the box
· Very idea-oriented
· Looks for overarching themes and ideas

- Likes to experiment and explore
(this one was the only one that had a recognition of a spiritual aspect)

· Understands what information is needed to make decisions
· Seen as practical, dependable and thorough in task situations
· Moves carefully and follows procedures and guidelines
· Skilled at finding fatal flaws in an idea or project

So, as these were being read aloud there were several people who pegged me immediately as a North. Others pegged me as an East. I tried to be a NorthEast but when I had to choose only one, I chose East. I was the only one of all of us to go there. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I took the East sign over and worked with the North group which was also only 3 people. Everyone else was either South or West.
It might be that God is showing his sense of humor again...or answering prayer. I have prayed that I be different enough that I stand out from "the world". Well...He showed me I was and I chickened out and ran to find a group. Aaarrgh. That insight just come to me as I was typing this...what is wrong with me? He answers my prayer and I run the other way...
I guess I can live with being an action oriented decisive idea oriented visionary with a spiritual bent!
Could you find your leadership style? Which are you?
Hopefully I will learn to be a better listener...

Thursday, August 20, 2009


My desire to be light, God's light, in my place is going to be harder than I had hoped. It is so very easy to get drawn into negative thinking, negative talk, gossip, judging....yikes! I need help.
If you hear me say something, or see me do something that dims the light, remind me to shine!
Shall I do the same for you? If we are all shining, we can drive out the dark. With enough light from enough sources, even the shadows are driven away. I learned that in a photography workshop yesterday.
Intending to shine!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Call It A Day

Went shopping with my friend, Stevie, today.
Here's the rundown -
*some last minute school supplies (but still have a few to get)
*new music CD (Kari Jobe...thanks, Rachel for the recommendation)
*a new pair of jeans that fit and are a short petite, which seems a bit redundant, but works out perfectly.
*3 animal books with their matching stuffed theme this year is Amazing Animal Adventure
* interesting stories and discussions
*yummy tortilla soup at Don Pablo's
*plenty of laughter about things that probably only 2 old friends would find funny
*Battenburg lace curtains (white to match the facia and soffit) for Flicka's stable (aka storage shed)...but, of course!
*quality time in a JoAnn's Fabric after a dash through torrential rain and a parking lot flood
*nice bargains at Eddie Bauer outlet
*green beans and limas for my 3 bean salad for meeting/dinner tomorrow...not to worry, I already have the third bean product
***and, oh yeah, 4 new tires!
Seems that at some point Stevie drove over a bolt, not a screw with a point, but a blunt bolt about an inch and a quarter long and 1/8" wide and imbedded it in her rear tire. When we stopped at the teacher store she decided to check out the clicking noise we had noticed. Then she decided to get out her little crow bar and pry out the source of the little clicking noise which immediately changed into a big hissing noise! Because God loves us especially and didn't figure the crowds that would gather to watch us change a tire in the parking lot would be safe, Stevie noticed right away that there was a Firestone store right on the other side of the parking lot. She jumped in the car (after safely storing the crow bar for the next adventure) and sped to the Firestone haven where Shane was waiting with nothing to do and an empty lift. I get to spend plenty of time in the teacher store and Stevie gets to mark new tires off of her to-do list.
Time to call it a day!
What did you do today?

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's That Time

I love this time of year. I am always so excited to start the new year with a clean slate...more beginnings...and new kids. I get so excited that I often wake up in the middle of the night nervous. I so want to do it right. These little folks only get one first day of Kindergarten. No pressure.
So, I have been thinking and planning and buying and organizing and arranging most of the summer. I suppose it will be alright to retire never having believed that I "had it all figured out." Figuring it out is part of the adventure.
I can remember the first day of many years was special because I got to see my friends, I got new "stuff" and I got a new teacher. I decided to be a teacher early on because I had such wonderful, caring, teachers as I was growing up (and because I was usually the teacher's pet-tough job but someone had to do it). I can remember one bad first day. It was 3rd grade and that was the year you got to move up to big kid desks (woohoo!)...but my teacher that year, Mrs. Farren, decided I was too short because my feet wouldn't touch the ground (not that that really mattered because I usually sat with my feet tucked up under me, can't do THAT anymore) so she took my big kid desk out in the hall and called for a spare little kid desk to be brought in for me. Mostly I love being not tall, but not so much that very day. I don't believe I grew into a big kid desk all that year.
Do you remember what your best part of the first day of school was? Share.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Choose Love

When the New Testament church began to form, they formed communities. The church wasn't a place, it was a people gathered together. Unified by their love of Jesus. They pooled all of their money and possesions and gave to whoever had need. They were a church family. You knew they were Christians by their love, by their love, yes, you knew they were Christians by their love. Sorry that song just needed to be finished. Now it won't be in my head all evening, but hopefully in yours!
God still calls us to community, to church family, to show his love so others will know we are Christians. Maybe your community is your neighbors, maybe it is the folks you work with (yes, even them), or maybe your community is your collection of friends and their friends. I just finished reading the book, Belong To Me, by Marisa de los Santos. It was a fine book, but I didn't cry til the end. One of the main characters, Cornelia, is talking about love. She talks about the ones she had been given to love and says, God knows it hasn't always been her choice, but they are undeniably hers to love. And she does. It isn't always easy or smooth, but she chooses love over and over again.
Are you chosing to love the people you have been given to love, even if you might not have chosen them for yourself?
Let's do that. Let's each of us choose love over and over again and thank God that he does the same for us.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


My little husband and I went to visit with his family in Wellsburg today. Family from New Mexico were in and we see them very rarely, and we had never seen the baby who turned out to be completely precious.
But the really good news is that I got to go to the Fiesta Outlet! Aside from the fact that I love Fiesta, it makes me proud that it is a West Virginia company and it is sold and loved all around the world.
Anyway, the outlet is attached right to the factory. You can smell the painting process as you walk up. You can see the actual workers changing shifts. It is great.
When you walk in, you see the top of the line dishes to torture you with before you make your way to the back where the 2nds are. You pick up a milk crate and begin the adventure. There are just bins and bins of each piece of dinnerware in all of those colors. It was so fun to see the "pros". Many had rags with them to wipe off the dust to check for color inconsistencies, etc. One smart lady had a tube sock on one hand to wipe with. At first I thought she must have poison ivy or something until I saw her in action. One man spent the entire time I was there moving close to 100 dishes to find his favorite 10 or so. I thought he was good to go and the next time I looked he was down to just about 5 dishes, but he was happy. Then there were the ladies who walked out with only one item. They had to be locals is all I can figure. Me, on the other hand, a milk crate so heavy that I could hardly carry it...
Left with much happiness and colorful eating possibilities!
Let me know if you need a guide for getting there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Out of Sync

Usually my little husband and I are in tune with each other. For example, when were painting, he was on the ladder and would reach down farther than was really comfortable so that I didn't have to reach up so far. I was on the ground and I would paint up higher than was really comfortable so he didn't have to reach down so far.
Today we were out of sync. I wonder what causes that...
Praying it will be better tomorrow...
I'm surprised there are no more closet number geeks out there.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Closet Number Geek

I am a closet number geek. I can't slice things without counting the slices. Anything repetitive, I those little posts between mile markers on the interstate, tiles on the floor or ceiling, how many pedals in a mile on my new bike, Razzle. I like to make patterns or arrange things in order by size.
But perhaps the geekiest thing is with digital clocks. Each time I look at a digital clock, besides finding out what time it is, I try to make a math problem out of it. I don't do it on purpose, it just happens. For example, last night I woke up at 12:43, which translates to 12 divided by 4 = 3. ( and I guess technically that was this morning instead of last night) I bet that almost 80% of the times that I look at a clock I can make a math problem. Of course, just this minute when I looked it was 9:49. I can't make a math problem, but it is a nice pattern start. Sometimes it is only that the numbers in the time are in sequential order. 2:34 6:45 12:34 ( my personal favorite). Is it just me? Is it just that time is like that?
Oh, and I play a game while I am driving with the license plate numbers. I take whatever numbers are on the plate and try to do "math problems" to get the answer to be as close to zero as possible. For example, my plate numbers are 577 I think. So, I try 57 divided by 7 (8.something), 5 divided in to 7x7 (9.something)...anyway, you can rearrange the numbers but it is more "special" if you don't. What can I say.
I guess that I'm not a "closet" number geek any more....
Just pay attention for a few days and see what you see.
Off to the farmer's market in Oakland tomorrow.
ps Right now it is 9:54 - you do the math!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Look At Me

I was pretty subdued for the rest of the day after finding out that the school key had been stolen. Feeling vulnerable, I suppose. I went up to spend the evening with Stevie's cat, Willow, and on the way back I was praying....might be considered whining to anyone but God. Anyway, driving home in the dark I was telling God about all these evil spirits that were attacking me and trying to steal my peace-fullness. I was begging him to deal with the spirit of fear, spirit of vulnerablility, spirit of anger, spirit of unease, spirit of frantic-ness, spirit of the idea? So, I say to Him, "Please, God, Creator of peace and abundant living, take care of all of these evil spirits, because...." At that time I hear Him say, "Don't look at them. Look at me." As quickly as that I am smiling again and amazed again at our God. I just chuckled and said, "OK."
Now, it isn't just that easy and I had to turn and look at God often during the rest of the night and today. But he was always looking back.
Key is still missing but my peace is intact.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sad and Scary

I have kept a school key in a place for any teacher to use to get in the school during evenings or weekends. I have kept it there for years and it has helped many teahers who have never taken advantage of it or misused it in any way.
Today I get it and my husband and go off to school to deliver my latest purchase for the beginning of the year. When we get everything out of the car and by my classroom door, I got the key out to put in the door.
Unfortunately the key was a blank. Someone had taken the school key off of the key ring and replaced it with a blank key.
Who would do that? Why?
They left our house key, thank God.
It is not shaking my peace or my faith, but it does make me so sad. And a little bit scared.
They took the trouble to put a blank key on the key ring instead of just taking the key...I just can't understand it at all...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Amazing Folks

Today I spent the morning with my little husband at Shangri La Ti Da working on the trim for Flicka's stable. It will be painted a gold to compliment the cheery yellow walls. Can't wait to see them together. While we were there a guy stopped from PSD2. He wasn't looking for us but we had a nice visit. He is a man who I have only known before to be testy and grouchy and short tempered always. Today we had a perfectly pleasant visit. I am so happy that I saw him in this completely new light. Now, I can hold on to that and see past an occasional grouch! And I can only hope that others will do the same for me.
This afternoon I had an amazing afternoon with some amazing folks making some amazing beads.
Amazing folk number one is Tiffany. She is an amazing mother. Her 2 boys are interesting, amusing, well behaved and cute beyond words.
Amazing folk number two is Misty. She is an amazing daughter. As her mother faces a life changing event, Misty is standing right beside her strong, supportive and funny!
Amazing folk number three is Susi. As she faces the scariest thing in her life to this point she does it with grace, self-lessness and humor. She is an amazing person.
And if I was really with it, I would have here a photo of the amazing beads we made. But, sorry.
There are amazing folks all around each of us...can you find them? Are you someone else's amazing person?
Thank you ladies for a memorable afternoon.
You are amazing folk!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This and That

The last few times we have been out to Shangri La Ti Da I have seen a gala fluttering of butterflies. I counted 5 different types. The monarch is a favorite and there was a tiny...less than 1 inch wing span...periwinke colored beauty. I have no idea what kind that is. It felt like working in a butterfly zoo thingy. What are those called?
While reading the latest book by Anne Rivers Siddons, "Off Season", I came across 4 words I didn't know. Figured out the meaning well enough with the context...didn't want to get out of bed and get the dictionary...but now am going to see if any of you know the meanings. Ready?
1. numinous
2. chatoyant
3. plangent
4. benison
Isn't it fun to learn new words?
After doing a shopping for supplies day, my little husband left me to go do another job. I drove to Shangri La Ti Da to get the 40 firring strips off the top of the Subaru and put them in Flicka's stable. While there, I decided to try a little work without direction, on my own, alone. The firring strips are for the battens on our board and batten look. They are 8 feet long. I had to put up a trim piece that was also 8 feet long and 8 feet up off the, picture me, 8 foot board, ladder, tool belt, hammer, nails...
I eyeballed it and put a nail in the center for a pivot point. Got off the ladder, pulled my rule (you know, one of those cool ones that is metal and comes out and then when you let go, snaps back inside the little thingy?) out and measured from the 8 foot up board to the bottom of the siding over and over again all to get within 1/16th of an inch. Up and down the ladder, tapping, measuring both sides, tapping, measuring, up, down...finally!
Next, I took one of the 8 foot firring strips and nailed it up and down. Holding 8 foot board without letting it move, holding nail, hitting nail and not me (all but once...ouch!). I repeated that 4 times. Had issues with only one where I kept hitting a screw that I couldn't see under the firring strip...bent up 3 nails. I always try the brute force and ignorance plan first. Last, I trimmed about 1 inch off the bottoms of each firring strip with a really sharp little hand saw.
Time for paint! It's yellow and happy! We'll see if it passes muster with my little husband the real builder.
Beet juice! I want to dye my clothes that is beauteous!
How was your day?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Farmer's Markets

These are from an earlier farmer's market shopping trip in Kingwood.
Stacy, the lettuce is from your garden. Yum.

Today I stopped at the Farmer's Market in Oakland. I bought beets and corn on the cob. I don't know why for sure, but each time I shop at a farmer's market, I come away with a grin on my face and tears in my eyes...oh yeah, and great produce.

I suppose it has to do with my personal peaceful simplicity movement. I am thrilled that there are folks who have the know how and take the time to grow great food that is good for me. They are an interesting mix of "old timers" and young believers. They are, to a person, kind and gentle of spirit as far as I can tell in our short encounters. I always want to linger. It was easier to do in Oakland since there were more vendors and shoppers there. In Kingwood it is pretty sparse and loitering to soak up the atmosphere would be noticable!

But the best thing I found out today was about CSAs...and that's not the Confederate States of America for you history buffs. It stands for Community Supported Agriculture. I had read about it before, but kind of figured it was just another of those things that happens somewhere else. Not this time. There is a farm near Cranesville, WV called Round Right Farm ( that participates in the CSA movement. You pay a fee at the beginning of the season and get a box full of whatever is growing each week. Here is this week's boxfull:

This Week's Box
Wednesday, August 5th
Green Peppers
Summer Squash
Green Beans
Head Lettuce
Salad Mix
So, I signed up for possible inclusion in next year's program since they are full up for this year and I think that is wonderful. Check out their website.
Now is a good time to learn to think and live locally, in my opinion, and this is an excellent way to do just that.
Visit a farmer's market...soon! Friday in TA, Saturday in Morgantown, Kingwood and Oakland and Wednesday in Oakland...and that's just the one's I know about! Yum!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Piece of the Peace

After much thought and consideration I have decided on the reason for much of my peace-fullness this summer.
As a teacher, maybe especially a kindergarten teacher, I am always in charge, of organizing, supplying, preplanning, evaluating, in other words, everything! Mostly I am quite OK with that and usually pretty good at it, too.
However, about house building, I know next to nothing. For quite some time, though, that didn't really seem to matter that much. I still wanted/needed to be in charge of everything. Wasn't really working out all that well, even with my endlessly patient husband. It wasn't bothering him much, he just did what he knew needed done in a logical and methodical process. But me? It was driving me crazy. It often didn't seem logical or methodical and it was taking forever!
At some point, after much praying (OK, it could be construed as whining) to God, I just gave it up.
My little husband, the builder is in charge. Most of the time (old habits die hard) I wait for him to tell me what to do. There are a few things that by now I know need doing and I can go ahead with them.
I wish you could feel the lightness in my heart and soul. The joy in my days. I'M NOT IN CHARGE.
Now, if I can take that and hold onto it for the bigger picture. I'm not in charge of so much in my life...often even when I think I am.
God can be in charge and the joy and lightness will only increase. Right?
It makes me smile. You?

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Clean House

My husband was the preacher yesterday at's not easy being the preacher's wife! He did a great job and I beamed appropriately. His mom and brother came down for the event and so, we had to clean house. Of all the good and cool things I have been doing this summer, house cleaning isn't one of them. I love when my house is tidy and clean. I do. Really. I just don't like cleaning it. But, that beginnings theme can work here, too. I can begin again. I love slipping into crisp clean sheets. I can begin to see that that happens more and more often. I love fresh flowers in a vase. I can begin to see that that happens. I like a dog hair free environment...well, I can brush them more, but dog hair free??? Probably not going to happen with our two hairy beasts. I love clutter free counter tops. I can begin to see that everything makes it to it's assigned place each day. See, I can begin to love housecleaning, because I love the outcome...right? OK. It's a stretch, but not a complete impossibility.
Today I loved riding Flicka for about 3 and a half hours and the mowing is done much more fun than sweeping! Maybe if I wear the ipod for house cleaning, hmmmm...
Going now to visit with Stevie's kitty, Willow. Up the mountian I go.
What do you love best about a clean house?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Look At That

Hope you had a wonderful day. I had a thoughtful day. Not ready to write yet. This is a photo of a sunset a few days ago that was so impressive that my little husband and I had to stop the car and ogle for awhile. Don said he kind of expected the clouds to part and Jesus to step out. It was that awe inspiring. What a way to wrap up an evening.
ps It was really even more wonderful than it looks in this photo because the colors just kept moving and changing...